Authentic Leadership

by Mike Bence

Authentic Leadership
As a leader, it is your responsibility to take ownership of your actions and empower others. You need to be authentic in your leadership in order to gain the trust of your followers. Let’s explore what it means to be an authentic leader and how you can take ownership and empower others.

Authentic leaders are defined by four characteristics: self-awareness, transparency, accountability, and empathy.

self-awareness: Knowing yourself—your strengths, your weaknesses, your values—and being comfortable with who you are.
transparency: Being open and honest with others, sharing your thoughts and feelings, and being vulnerable.
accountability: Taking responsibility for your actions and their consequences, owning up to your mistakes, and learning from them.
empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others, including their joys and sorrows.

These characteristics are essential for any leader who wants to be successful in taking ownership and empowering others.

The first characteristic of an authentic leader is self-awareness. In order to take ownership, you need to know yourself—your strengths, your weaknesses, your values—and be comfortable with who you are. This level of self-awareness can only be achieved through introspection and honest reflection. It’s not always easy to look at ourselves objectively, but it’s a critical skill for any leader who wants to be successful in taking ownership and empowering others.

The second characteristic of an authentic leader is transparency. Leaders who are transparent with their thoughts and feelings build trust with their followers. When you’re open and honest with others, they’re more likely to feel comfortable coming to you with their own thoughts and concerns. This level of transparency requires vulnerability, but it’s essential for any leader who wants to build trust and empower others.

The third characteristic of an authentic leader is accountability. Leaders who are accountable for their actions build respect from their followers. When you take responsibility for your actions and their consequences, people are more likely to see you as a credible leader. This level of accountability can be difficult to maintain, but it’s necessary for any leader who wants to earn respect and empower others.

The fourth characteristic of an authentic leader is empathy. Leaders who empathize with their followers build relationships based on trust and mutual understanding. When you understand and share the feelings of others—including their joys and sorrows—you create a connection that goes beyond the superficial level. This level of empathy can be challenging to maintain, but it’s essential for any leader who wants to build strong relationships and empower others.

An authentic leader is someone who is self-aware, transparent, accountable, and empathetic. These characteristics are essential for any leader who wants to take ownership and empower others. If you want to be a successful leader, start by developing these four skills.

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I’m Mike,

Welcome to the Bence Perspective. Over the years I have accumulated a wealth of experience as a leader, student, counselor, father, husband and pastor. With that in mind I desired to create something to share some of the things I’ve learned with the hopes that it can help you in your own journey. Welcome and I hope you enjoy!

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