By Michael Bence

      You may not realize it, but being thankful can actually be good for your health. From reducing stress to improving your immune system, there are plenty of reasons to count your blessings. Keep reading to learn more about the healthy aspects of being thankful. 

1) Being thankful can help reduce stress. According to a study published in Behaviour Research and Therapy, people who took time out to express their gratitude had lower levels of cortisol—a stress hormone—than those who didn’t. And less stress means a healthier mind and body. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to write down what you’re grateful for. It could do wonders for your stress levels.

2) Expressing gratitude can also improve your immune system. In the same study mentioned above, participants who expressed gratitude had higher levels of antibodies than those who didn’t. Antibodies are important because they help fight off infection and disease. So if you’re looking to boost your immune system, expressing gratitude is a great place to start.

3) Being thankful can also help you sleep better at night. A study published in Applied Psychology found that people who wrote down their blessings before bed slept better and felt more rested in the morning than those who didn’t. So if you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, try keeping a gratitude journal by your bedside. You may just find that it helps you drift off to dreamland more quickly and comfortably.

     From reducing stress to improving your immune system, there are plenty of reasons to count your blessings. Next time you’re feeling down or stressed out, take a few minutes to think about what you’re grateful for—it could do wonders for your mind and body. Thanks for reading!

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I’m Mike,

Welcome to the Bence Perspective. Over the years I have accumulated a wealth of experience as a leader, student, counselor, father, husband and pastor. With that in mind I desired to create something to share some of the things I’ve learned with the hopes that it can help you in your own journey. Welcome and I hope you enjoy!

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